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Developing on macOS with Lima

This development guide is intended for any macOS system with any text editor or IDE.

Lima is a virtual machine launcher, mainly built for macOS, that provides convenient mechanisms for interacting and configuring virtual machines out of the box.


  1. Install lima. You can find the instructions at Lima's Getting Started documentation

  2. Create an Ubuntu virtual machine. This command will walk you through the installation process:

    $ limactl start --name aurae

  3. SSH into your virtual machine

    $ limactl shell aurae

  4. Follow the aurae Building from Source instructions. You can edit either stop the virtual machine, edit its configuration to create a writable mount of the source code directory from your host machine to the guest, or copy the contents of the source code directory to /tmp/lima, e.g., /tmp/lima/aurae

  5. [Optional] Mount the unix socket from the guest machine to the host machine. Lima provides a simple way to configure this, but you first need to stop your virtual machine to edit its configuration:

    $ limactl stop aurea
    Now you can edit the config:
    $ limactl edit aurea
    And you can add a configuration like this to the bottom:
    - guestSocket: "/var/run/aurae/aurae.sock"
      hostSocket: "aurae.sock"
    Then start your virtual machine again and start auraed:
    $ limactl start aurae
    $ limactl shell make auraed-start
    In another shell copy the virtual machine's ~/.aurae directory to your own:
    $ limactl copy -r aurae:~/.aurae ~/.aurae
    Edit the contents of ~/.aurae/config to fit the requirements of your host machine. Now you can interact with aurae from your host machine!

  6. [Optional] If you're tired of specifying the name you gave your virtual machine, you can export an environment variable that limactl will use for the default, like so:

    $ export LIMA_INSTANCE=aurae